View Full Version : ...give your airconditioner a helping hand

10-06-2011, 04:07 AM
I'm a top-down guy, but now and then a passenger will want some cool comfort in our tropical summer. The sun is strong and overhead for many hours, so the black top (hood) acts like a solar absorber and the aircon has to work hard to keep the cockpit cool.

My prototype Aircon Booster so far cost about US $5 for an aluminized windshield shade and some long pushpins. There are some leftover pieces sticky-taped to the hood between the bars, providing 4 aluminized layers and 2 of bubble insulation plus an air gap. The surface you see in the photos is held on the fabric/velcro covered bars with pins. It folds up fine and really reduces the heat radiating down from the black fabric. If this works out well I'll figure out something more permanent.

10-06-2011, 11:04 AM
I'll look forwards to finding out the results. Very creative!