I'd hazard a guess that you could get a pattern oil seal, if you can't find a genuine one.
Type: Posts; User: stu g
I'd hazard a guess that you could get a pattern oil seal, if you can't find a genuine one.
For the rings http://jp-carparts.com/honda/partlist.php?maker=&type=BEAT&cartype=19718&fig=E&fig1=1600
Hello Kenny. Sorry we're obviously a miserable bunch here to not reply. Do you have a Beat?
Hi, there are tons of threads about refurbing these. It is common for the capacitors to blow and leak over the circuit board. Replacing the capacitors and repairing the board usually does the trick....
If the rad is leaking you can often solder it up rather than junk it.
If you're in Japan then just get one on Yahoo auctions. There are always roofs on there.
OK, so mine cracked a few years ago, and like me you probably found out that Honda have stopped supplying them. Eventually I bought a pattern one online from Japan, and got some relatives to pack and...
Now that is cold! I find the Beat beaches itself quite easily in snow drifts (because the floor is so low), but on slippery surfaces the handling is a dream - its so predictable and controllable in a...
When I bought my latest Beat 4 years ago it had a problem of the error light coming on, but being weak/fady (rather than the light being fully on), and not having an error code. It was worse when it...
Hi Wild and Foamy,
Unlikely you'll find anything local!
Yahoo actions (Japanese ebay) have the bits you need, and you can get buyee to send it to you.
Go go:
I had this same problem last year, and Honda have run out of them. I ordered up a pattern one and had it sent to my relatives in Japan, who then got it picked up by a firm who properly boxed it up,...
OK, this could be a number of things:
Are you burning oil?
Was the engine cold when tested?
Is the ECU working properly?
Are the spark plugs working properly - unburned fuel could give a high...
Couldn't jp-carparts send you one quicker?
I'm afraid I don't have a spare, but looks like something you could fabricate quite easily to get you out of a pickle.
19 could just be a few washers put together
20 is the trickiest, but with...
Check all your bushes and linkages. I had the same problem on a Renault Scenic on which I'd just put a new wishbone. It turns out that one of the bushes was not pressed in right at manufacture so the...
Try this rotor arm instead: 30103-P65-006
Parts wise, I have found that jp carparts are pretty good. If you have the part numbers you can order up parts from any Honda dealer (at least you can in Europe, not sure about the US).
ECU is in the driver compartment, behind a panel behind the passenger seat. There are about six capacitors that need replacing because they blow. Even if you think they look fine, they are so cheap...
I don't have any spares, but when I got a new Clarion CD unit on ebay there were loads available.
They're going for around £10k+ on Yahoo auctions, by the time import tax, VAT, shipping, and SVA are taken in to account, you're probably looking at £15k. New base models (once you get past the...
There is presently an S660 on Autotrader (under Honda S800). I wasn't aware there were any in the country.
I'd try replacing them again, and looking for a dry solder before splashing out on a new one.
Failing that you can browse the Yahoo auctions site for used ones, and there are services which will...
Are you sure its not just the capacitors in it which have blown? They can be replaced by anyone handy with a soldering iron.
You seem to have tested the right things, and I've no idea why the cam timing belt change would have impacted this. If the wiring was disturbed I can't envisage why the gauge would get stuck at 3/4....
Engine Manual 4 – 9 Metal selection, mating
Conrod Bearing
• When you change the conrod bearing use the table to look up the crankshaft pin and conrod marks.
• When you fit the bearing,...