Prices are always up and down with beats never any middle ground.

Plenty that go up for sale for 3k+ but realistically how long is that person going to be sitting on it for before it actually sells? I think going rate of 2k-2.5k for a nice one is fair, anything below that will need some sort of work but then again it depends what kind of base you want to start from?

Exchange rate at the moment is pretty dire so unless you see one in Japan you really want then it's expensive anything up to 200,000 yen you are looking at around 3.5k-4k landed with taxes paid at port then you have transportation and all the other costs on to have it on the road. From what I've seen for sale over the last 18months anything below 2.5k usually sells pretty fast within a few weeks, anything over 3k has always been for sale for months I think 2 of the ones on gumtree recently where up for sale last year to.